Neil deGrasse Tyson is listed in IMDB as an Actor – Karma demands They must reveal Their Fraud – Tibees reveals his PhD thesis

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Neil deGrasse Tyson is listed in IMDB as an Actor – Karma demands They must reveal Their Fraud – Tibees reveals his PhD thesis – “It’s pretty clear that Neil deGrasse Tyson’s main contribution to science is not in his research but in his work as a communicator: His only ‘research work’ was his introduction to all the key workings of the subject.”

Fire temperatures are surpisingly difficult to measure accurately

Measuring Fire Temperature accurately is exceedingly difficult and nuanced

Fire temperatures are surpisingly difficult to measure accurately – Accurately measuring fire temperatures is difficult and many nuances and impossibilities are intrinsically involved.

Baltimore Key Bridge #22 – Impossibly Warped and Wilted Structural Steel – What causes such crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional warping and distortions?

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Impossibly warped and wilted structural steel exhibits hot-taffy-like, crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional distortions hallmark heating via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

Origins of CERN and Radium

Origins of CERN and Radium

Dr Ning Li, Redstone Arsenal researcher — The disappearance of America’s leading anti-gravity researcher

Dr Ning Li

Dr Ning Li, Redstone Arsenal researcher — The disappearance of America’s leading anti-gravity researcher