Hurricane Erin – 911’s Super-secret Class-3 Manufactured Atmospheric Monster; Formidable power-source for DEW attack
Hurricane Erin – 911’s Super-secret Class-3 Manufactured Atmospheric Monster, Formidable power-source for DEW attack
Hurricane Erin – 911’s Super-secret Class-3 Manufactured Atmospheric Monster, Formidable power-source for DEW attack
Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a name revered in many circles, holds a complex legacy as a Catholic priest, Jesuit, scientist, paleontologist, theologian, philosopher, and teacher. However, beneath the accolades lies a darker tale of zealotry and deception that starkly contrasts with the scientific method. This blog post delves into Teilhard de Chardin’s involvement in one of the most infamous scientific hoaxes of the 20th century—the Peking Man—and exposes his fervent efforts to support Darwinian evolution at any cost.
FAKE BONES – BONE HOAX – Historical Hoaxes of Bones by the Vatican’s Jesuits: A Legacy of Fabrication
HAWAII being “smart-citied” — Weather war land-grabs galore — HAARP floods and high-winds; DEW attack “wildphyres”; laws changed by globalist traitors.
“Unified Command”, unprecedented, source for official photos and videos
USAF “weather as force multiplier – owning the weather in 2025” document — braggadocio? Are they incompetent liars? Can they control weather / could soften or stop wild fluctuations, or are they instead following orders to allow or even cause the calamities? HAARP DEW RF – all alternatives explored.
Richard D Hall — Richard D. Hall, the face behind RichPlanet TV, has long been a controversial figure in the realm of conspiracy theories and alternative media. Known for his documentaries covering a wide range of topics—from UFO sightings and government cover-ups to alternative theories about major historical events—Hall has garnered a dedicated following while simultaneously attracting significant criticism and scrutiny.
“The bridge is fracture critical” – Original construction photos prove FSK bridge held itself up by design, even with only one of the two main pillars. The complete collapse required multiple strike points caused by Directed Energy Weapons. The engineered take-down was economically and politically expedient to remove largest obstacle to Baltimore’s promised future of Mega-Port glory. Now that’s a “Conspiracy Theory” for you! The thing is, it’s also provable by public evidence alone.
Testing of the “most brutal round” for 12gauge shotgun, the Rods From God.
Doi’s dreadful recording to 9-1-1 emergency is still up on RUMBLE, allowing the morbidly curious to actually hear in real-time how a person, apparently, dies _during_ intense exposure to microwave (and/or perhaps particle beam) radiation — most chilling is her lament, “it’s very very very hot…so much smoke” and, “I can’t see air anymore” despite coughing exactly zero times during her 20-minute recording. Microwave exposure causes ‘insta-cataracts’, literally opaque greying of the corneas; that explains her “smoke everywhere”, everything uniformly grey as the microwaves had blinded her vision. Everything, all weirdnesses including the high-heat but no fire, smoke everywhere but no coughing, and the slown asphyxiation and bewilderment, etc, are all perfectly explained most sensibly once the call is re-understood in the context of Doi having been blasted to death by microwave (and possibly particle beam) radiation.
Weather Warfare – Uber-Rains wash away seeds, raise prices, famine, depopulation.
Chesapeake Bay Bridge, – Only 1 foot more clearance than FSK … next takedown target.
Suspicion confirmed: Capitalism is a Zero-sum Game. The elites – especially the rich – want you to believe that capitalism is not a zero sum game. This is the false hope that fuels the American dream.
Answering the ‘Ostroffs’ — A 70-part series analyzing all known anomalous aspects of the Francis Scott Key Bridge take-down from a DEW-first approach. Everything is explained this way; alternative theories, stories, explanations all prove inadequate to sensibly explain all evidence.
Massmedia reported dust rose from WTC into upper atmosphere for months after the event, unheard-of in all known dust from controlled demolitions.
King Charles Bloody King – Bloody, fiery portrait includes Baphomet. More people have died or have been killed during the lifetime of King Charles than during the entire known human calamity, er condition, combined.
Cattle, beef, food — Total control of the food supply is sought by ruthless big-agriculture companies which are psychopathic by definition and by law (i.e., to maximize by every profitable means the financial return for shareholders). GPS tracking, vaccination, and more is for no benefit except to control.
Classic psyop technique to divide-and-conquer by causing infighting over personal experiences. Multiple “news” recorded the same event, apparently; however, the warning horn blasts are present in some news records, absent in others. Recognize the mental manipulations being employed by the military.
Baltimore Key Bridge North Pillar was ignored, had no official close-ups until it was cleaned of DEW molten girders.
Massive clean-cut concrete of South Pillar having zero rebar indicates initial design-to-fail, no?
Steel girders apparently bend magically only at night in Baltimore at the Francis Scott Key Bridge; daytime reveals the same steel girders never bending but instead cracking and snapping without bending at all.
Baltimore Key Bridge Splash – Anomalies abound in Baltimore! Somehow the entire bridge falling with water-displacing roadway made a smaller, silent splash (and no waves!) compared to fewer, lighter girders fallen from one-third height.
Steel never cuts through steel – Dali’s Impossibly Gouged and Stabbed Steel Hull.
’15-Minute-Smart-Cities-To-Be’ Land Grabs – DEWs, Dali, and Deathstar ties to Baltimore, Lahaina, Amarillo and others.
Maryland Governor Wes Moore – strong military background, Rhodes scholar.