ConspiracyFirst — ConspiracyQueries

Steel girders wilted like hot taffy, by directed energy weapons?
ABOVE: What energy “melted” those massive structural steel girders into drooping noodles, wilted practically instantly like hot taffy — what can DEW this? President Reagan introduced just such a technology in 1983.

Baltimore Key Bridge – DEW explains all evidence

Incredible 90+ part unique, alternative thesis exploring use of Directed Energy Weapons as primary means of an economically gainful take-down of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge.

This 90+ part series critically explores the many (and ever-mounting) incredible anomalies and aspects from a ‘DEW-first’ approach, which is the only known means to fully explain all evidence, particularly the many melted, warped, wilted structural steel girders and their orange-hot fiery outbursts captured in both angles of the original night-time footage.  Sourced.  Deep.  Diabolical.  Focused.  Ongoing.  Shunned by controlled media, limited-hangouts, paid misleaders, ossified or meager minds.  This event is a wide, deep, thick, awful bundle; enjoy Their chaos and calamity!  Spot their next scheme.

Brookhaven National Lab RHIC “Ion-Gun” Particle Beam Directed Energy Weapon

DEW Hallmarks

DEW Clues

Robert Brame’s list of “otherworldly” effects of Directed Energy Weapons Attacks.

DEW Hallmarks

DEW Hallmarks

Tell-tale “otherworldly” effects of Directed Energy Weapons Attacks.

Food, Farming, Famine

Jesuit Intrigue

A substantial re-examination of American History touching on all major aspects, but now including the missing/vanquished Jesuitical / Vatican influence and intrigue.

Understanding true history requires awareness of Jesuit Intrigue !

What was ‘deadly boring and never made sense’ becomes suddenly riveting and absolutely sensible.

This 3-hour video could literally replace the many years I was misled into fabrications, falsehoods and fairytales called “history”.

Vatican Jesuits exist literally to “counter” the Protestant Reformation.
America is largely a Protestant nation.
Why on earth are self-sworn enemies in-charge of “higher” education?

ABOVE: Facilitating a localized depopulation and subsequent Land-Grab per AGENDA-NWO, DEW targeted structures and vehicles for cremation.  Metals were superheated by microwave weaponry; nearby flammables ignited.  Wet biologicals and water were boiled, dessicated, destroyed.

Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii – DEW explains all evidence – 27 July 2024

Something is Very Abnormal when houses are cremated down to white powder, metals are insta-rusted, molten and wilted, right next to unburnt trees, vegetation and other flammables largely untouched.


Mass Media Totally Owned and Controlled

Always bent to serve owners’ agendae, not necessarily truth or honesty.

Trump Shoahting