Fake Bones – Cunning, wily Vatican Jesuits behind, beneath forgery, fraud and hoax

FAKE BONES – BONE HOAX – Historical Hoaxes of Bones by the Vatican’s Jesuits: A Legacy of Fabrication

King Charles Bloody King — It’s all just right out in our faces now, for eyes that can see

king charles baphomet lake of fire

King Charles Bloody King – Bloody, fiery portrait includes Baphomet. More people have died or have been killed during the lifetime of King Charles than during the entire known human calamity, er condition, combined.

What founded really means — it means what we found after the mudflood – Coming to grips with the ‘thousand years’ that was added to our history…

What founded really means

Eclipse Occult summary for 8 Apr 2024 eclipse including pop culture, music references, psyence, Satanica, eclipse, alignment, red heffers sacrifice, and endless intrigue

Eclipse Occult summary for 8 Apr 2024

The Seven Salems Eclipse of 2017 — coinciding with Carbondale, OH of 2024 Apr Eclipse

The “Seven Salems Eclipse” refers to a total solar eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017. This eclipse was notable for its path of totality, which spanned across the United States from the west coast to the east coast, creating a coast-to-coast “path of darkness” for the first time in nearly a century. The eclipse … Read more

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset and The (Real) Old Worlds

“‘Better to make a quick buck off the Old World [artifacts]’ seems to be the thinking of the Inheritors.  Tear down glorious buildings to sell real estate.  Destroy trains for a ticket fare.  It’s not like it just happened once; this was a ‘thing’.” — Jon Levi If many old grand castles were melted (presumably … Read more

Zoom into Horizon – What actually appears

Zoom into Horizon – What actually appears