USAF “Weather as Force Multiplier – Owning the Weather in 2025”, exotic military weaponry

USAF “weather as force multiplier – owning the weather in 2025” document — braggadocio? Are they incompetent liars? Can they control weather / could soften or stop wild fluctuations, or are they instead following orders to allow or even cause the calamities? HAARP DEW RF – all alternatives explored.

Carbon Dioxide, the Gas of Life – Climate Change, previously Global Warming – true scientific inquiry w Dr William Happer / Princeton U

Carbon Dioxide, the Gas of Life

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset and The (Real) Old Worlds

“‘Better to make a quick buck off the Old World [artifacts]’ seems to be the thinking of the Inheritors.  Tear down glorious buildings to sell real estate.  Destroy trains for a ticket fare.  It’s not like it just happened once; this was a ‘thing’.” — Jon Levi If many old grand castles were melted (presumably … Read more