“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies (including massive, five-storys tall fireballs in both original night-time videos) totally inexplicable (and wholly ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The DALI ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”
Part #91 adapted from a video comment
Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary
“There are several holes thru the hull, at least two, plus the huge vertical rip and the gouged-out bow. The problem is that steel does not cut steel; swords do not cut swords. …unless the Dali steel had been somehow superheated and melted… And that huge gouge is weird. Concrete does not cut steel. So what made it, I wonder? Maybe if the steel had been somehow superheated, made molten, then of course hard cold massive concrete could have sort of ‘peeled’ the molten steel away. Wonder what could make so much steel superheated so quickly…Pres Reagan mentioned back in 1983 this then-“crazy” idea of space-lasers called “STAR WARS” or Strategic Defense Initiative. Major contractors have been working on it for 40 years so far; I bet they’ve made pretty good progress. I can almost imagine that FSK bridge having been taken down on-purpose, to clear-the-way, so to speak, for Baltimore’s great future as an unbridled mega-port…the FSK footings were too close together, after all, already choking the shipping channel to one-way-at-a-time traffic. Plus FSK couldn’t be raised. Maybe it was easier just to take it down. Now the new bridge will be huge, super-wide footings allowing two-way shipping channel, instant doubling of traffic and thus revenue. Plus all that payola in salvage and redesign/build. Baltimore is a great place, worthy, but man what a tainting downer if future records some big lie as truth.”
Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull
BELOW: This is a very rare image, probably from local news footage not so tightly controlled by federal censorship. Most video and imagery is tightly controlled; notice how you’ve probably not yet seen this clear view from this angle: Tugs are often kept in front, or long distance is maintained (no close-up video or photos allowed for the public!), or camera-view angle is limited so the remaining pillar stubs hide the ‘smoking gun’ holes. [6 Jun, Hilariously, the damaged starboard bow and hull of DALI at Seagirt birthing have been hidden behind an opaque screen!] Remember that when you think of what must be a concerted effort to limit the scope of public awareness and knowledge.
So, why would information be limited? So that the masses more easily believe the lies constructed in the void of the omissions. Knowledge is power, and keeping victims and masses stupefied and distracted is a primary focus in every psyop.
That the steel beams are so wildly twisted indicates that they must have been superheated; the only known mechanism for this outside of blast furnace is Directed Energy Weapons.
That the hull was severely ‘gouged-out’, punctured, and ‘sliced through’ indicates it had also been superheated. If you dropped a refrigerator onto your car, or even dropped a car onto your car, damage like this would never result because steel does not cut through steel — swords do not cut through swords — unless one sword is molten by superheating, inescapably by Directed Energy Weapons.
If you ran an armored-steel truck at 100 mph into a concrete barrier or bridge-support, the steel would never slice like this. The truck might crumple and crush, but concrete can never slice-through steel. The fact that the sliced steel exists inescapably proves another energy source must have been involved.
Steel is used every day to break-up concrete. Wrecking balls. Steel wrecking balls never slice open — not from any number of hits, not from any amount of force, not from any amount of concrete. It never happens. Except here, now, with Dali. Therefore, something else must have also been involved in causing or allowing this ‘impossible’ destruction plainly evident.

Overhang of ‘proud bow’ did not seem to extend far enough to have “sheared off” all four columns of the south pillar. So what sheared them off? Levitation of heavy objects reproduced in laboratory Hutchison Effect may explain presence of heavy concrete pillar higher-up on-deck of Dali.

The bridge’s steel giders did not collapse until seconds after the allision (collision is when two bodies are moving; in this allision, only the ship was moving).
That the ‘impossibly’ wilted and warped steel girder is “knife-cut” through the ship’s steel hull Below the concrete pillar seems upside-down from expected. All the steel girders were up-top, all above and resting on the concrete pillars, and the concrete was apparently hit first. How did steel get wedged or smushed into that gash, below the pillar(s) ? This seems Exactly like crashing front-first into a wall but then finding the car’s rear bumping smushed up in front of the motor.
Moreover, what force splayed all that stiff steel rebar out in so many directions? Shouldn’t most if not all of the rebar have been uniformly bent, deformed in the direction of the force being applied by the moving ship? What splayed it out in every direction? In fact, much of it looks wilted, like the many steel girders; is this visibly unusual wilting, bending and splaying evidence of directed energy having also been applied to the pillars?
Insufficient hull damage and obviously insufficient bow overhang seem to indicate another form of energy was applied to cause evidenced damage.
The incident seems like you bump your car into your garage, and then your whole house falls down, and then your car suffers these mysterious large holes and major gashes (don’t forget the gaping gash up-front/top, whose material seems to be missing) through its body, and then major structural pieces of your house end up ‘impossibly’ wilted, melted, warped, bent. No?

“Splash” seen at water-level but all damage higher-up, at deck level of ship’s bow
“Splash” seen at water-level, but all damage to hull exists all the way up near the ship’s bow. How can this be explained?

BELOW: Same image as above but with gamma severely boosted. Notice all visible hull damage is higher-up, not down at water-line level. What made that enormous “splash” ? If the “splash” was instead powderized, pulverized concrete from the pillars, why are the pillars still present in massive chunks ?

Where is the amazingly gouged-out thick steel hull material? Does the absent material and unusual serrated, scalloped-out damage pattern along the edges indicate ship motion during application of pulsed energy beam?
Thinner steel at lighter mass seems insuffient to cause that amount of (relatively) clean-cut gouging to the much heavier ship’s much thicker steel hull.
Wouldn’t a fitting analogy be something like swinging a bread-knife at a refrigerator and lopping-off a corner of the refrigerator body? Or rolling a refrigerator down a loading-truck ramp, stopping it with a side-ways crowbar and knocking the door off?
The serrated bread-knife might flex in one place, one bend. The crowbar might yield and deform along one axis. But to have two substantial kinds of damage together seems extra-remarkable.
Was another energy source involved? Imagine a pulsed beam energy serrating or scalloping as the ship moves. Imagine that beam, softening the steel girders into hot taffy, allowing easily the multi-dimension, multi-axis warping and wilting, all without stress cracking at the radical bends.
This is an esoteric examination and anlysis of evidence from the perspective of applied beam and directed energy weapons.

Stranger damage nearer the water-line
Did a directed energy beam punch those holes through thick ship-hull steel?
There is no inward bending or deformation evident at all, as would be expected and plainly obvious if the ship had actually struck a concrete and steel pillar.
In fact, that amazing damage not only has no contacting debris whatsoever, the holes seem to be outgoing, as if blasted from on-high, from the port-side of the ship.
Look at that amazingly wilted, taffy-like warped structural steel girder, bent all silly in every dimension yet with no stress cracking at all, if it had somehow been superheated.
Also, where did the “splash” come from? I see huge concrete chunks reinforced with rebar. Due to the size of the “splash” (presumably at ship impact with pillar), I was expecting to not see any concrete chunks, the concrete having presumably been “dustified” by the impact force. But, instead, there are in fact massive concrete chunks remaining. So what made the “splash” ?

BELOW: Same image as above, but with gamma boosted, to lighten the shadowed details.