Baltimore Key Bridge #79 – Anomalies in Clean-up, Interesting Comments

“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies totally inexplicable (and ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”

Part #91 adapted from a video comment

Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary

Anomalies in Clean-up

Anomalies in Clean-up


LAST Key Bridge Collapsed Truss Removed

Interesting that NONE of the steel has bent during cleanup. It was only during take-down that the energy was applied via weaponry. 80-part series on (the organization site called) “CONSPIRA” delves into the many anomalies.”

One side-effect of the steel having been “dustified” by weaponry that applied directed energy is that there was much less to clean up thus more believably explaining the “amazing” speed than the fairy-tale of gov or mil efficiency. C O N S P I R A is the organization that has 80-part series deeply exploring the many anomalies of this manufactured event.”

Every part of the trusswork was taller than 60 feet; therefore, no section of the trusswork should have been completely submerged. That it was indicates another source of energy and intrigue beyond the official story. This is fully explored, with calculations, in Part #45 of the 78-part series exploring all known anomalies on the organization site called C O N S P I R A. Jeff [Ostroff] and others should do humanity solid by delving beyond the official misleads.”

QUERY: “I did not see any comments on the recovery of all the workers who were on the bridge. Has this been succesfully completed?”

RESPONSE: “Workers remain huge mystery —

The ongoing weirdness with the supposed memorial.

The extreme weirdness of gofundme’s started with no identified beneficiaries; the obvious ‘duper’s delight‘ seen in videos of the “friends” and “family”.

Still no direct video with any supposed survivors [there were reportedly two who were supposedly pulled immediately from the water, despite there being no OSHA-required skiff / rescue boat on-site of over-water bridge-work].

I realize this may be seen as unpopular amongst a majority trained to react emotionally before logically, but it is important to VERIFY any TRUST before giving it unconditionally to known, repeated liars, is it not?”

Minorcan Mullet

Marine Photography

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