Baltimore Key Bridge #46 – The anomalous Gusset Plates, insta-rusted and devoid of nuts and bolts as if never present

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Anomalous Gusset Plates, insta-rusted and devoid of nuts and bolts as if never present. FSK Bridge was painted regularly; essentially all rust happened in month since the take-down, and probably immediately following the superheating by Directed Energy Weapons.

Baltimore Key Bridge #29 – South Pillar chunks. Warped, wilted girders. Crumpled, imploded containers. Dali deck. Insta-rusted Medusa-rebar. DEWs superheat metals.

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South Pillar multi-modal damage by Directed Energy Weapons. DEWs superheat metals via induced eddy currents causing blast-furnace-like melting and consequent distortions and faliures.

Baltimore Key Bridge #22 – Impossibly Warped and Wilted Structural Steel – What causes such crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional warping and distortions?

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Impossibly warped and wilted structural steel exhibits hot-taffy-like, crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional distortions hallmark heating via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

Baltimore Key Bridge #16 – Steel support cables radically unwound and splayed, just like the 911 elevator motors

911 Elev Motor Burned Windings 2

Massive Cable Supports, Unraveled and Splayed-Out — Bundles of steel support cables radically unwound, by what force? Unwinding so radically massive steel-cable bundles that were ‘hangers’ for the roadway platform took massive energy.  From where did that energy come?