“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies (including massive, five-storys tall fireballs in both original night-time videos) totally inexplicable (and wholly ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The DALI ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”
Part #91 adapted from a video comment
Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary
Predictive-programming in massmedia
The Simpsons (of course)
BELOW video of THE SIMPSONS mentions a 31 March 1996 Simpsons episode in which a heavy truck causes a bridge in the show’s town to collapse; the bridge was named Baltimore.
2 minutes into video. Unfortunately the video carries on and mentions all kinds of severe factual errors. It may be a case of Fake News.
THE WIRE season 2 episode 1
Boat in shipping channel, electrical problems, engines disabled
THE WIRE predictive-programming includes in a sub-plot a boat that has become disabled, specifically identifying:
- electrical problem
- engines disabled
- presence in / blockage of shipping lane
- precise city
- precise bridge
- precise location at BFSKB’s South Pillar
- involvement of ‘upper class’ cruise patrons on “Capitol Gains” boat name
- towing line / tugboats
- payola / bribery (captain pays cop to delay, tow to temporary mooring instead)
- cops (MDTA) arrive before harbormaster
Bridge Target
Bodies in Water
Foreshadows the supposed construction/roadwork repair crew. Dialog even goes out the way to say, “probably a jumper from the bridge.” I mean, it’s right in your face. Either the episode was written to help obfuscate the crime, or else the crime was devised and interwoven later with the story that was written.
Cargo ship, sex-slaves, ‘me-no-speak-English’
Main plot in THE WIRE season 2 concerns illegal cargo in a container ship
- ship has illegal cargo discovered: Dead prostitutes sex-slaves (season 2 episode 2)
- confusion of ship crew, all of whom are non-American nationals, none of whom speak English (season 2 episode 3)
- difficulty in delaying / impounding ship that ‘escapes’ to elsewhere
- “what happens below deck stays below deck”
This ‘sex-slaves/prostitutes’ concept was ten years or more prior to such gaining commonplace notoriety in American cultural lore.
Religiosity, key plot driver
Still another sub-plot involves scheming, immoral and illegal madness stemming from zealotrous Catholic religiosity. Do not diminish, downplay or overlook this powerful, vengeful nuttery.
Fort Armistead, Command Post
In the TV series, same as in real-life. Again, cross-polluting, confusing, confounding…taxing lazy minds.
Contraband aboard
Note that two containers of apparent contraband revealed on DALI, highlighted by photos released by military to controlled kept-pet mass-media (though never identified as contraband, nor pursued with follow-up reporting), was of a (presumably stolen) luxury car, same as some contraband in THE WIRE.
Was DALI ‘escaped’ to Norfolk naval base to secure it from observation (drones, photographers, not-yet-as-tightly-controlled local “news”)? Will dead sex slaves turn up? Biologicals? Weapons?
Sparrows Point
There is some extraneous dialog about Sparrows Point / Bethlehem Steel, filmed in 2002, long before Tradepoint Atlantic gained control of the land. The illicit planning takes place at “the Atlantic Light over at North Point” (season 2, episode 1, 14:00 in) LOL. Interesting the highlight of what would become a major component in the BFSKB salvage 22 years later.
Bridge-like Ruins
THE WIRE video montage at around that engines-dead / electrical-problem boat scene include cutaways to marine/urban decay that strongly resembles the downed FSK bridge.
Drug vials named “Pandemic”
19 years ahead of schedule, also in other season 2 episodes, drug vials named “PANDEMIC” were available (and yelled-out by street-corner barkers).
Subtle Normalization of Tattoo “sleevery”
Remember, THE WIRE was filmed in 2002.
“No doubt alllll just total coincidunce, just like episode 1 of James Burke’s 1979 CONNECTIONS series having Flight 911 threatening to crash into NY skyscraper — but “who could have imagined?!?” LOL — Also totally coinciduncely, THE WIRE video montage at around that engines-dead / electrical-problem boat scene include cutaways to urban decay that subjectively resembles the downed FSK bridge.”
“It’s as if main writer David Simon was given a list of concepts to include and interweave into the season’s episodes. Or else, someone scheming and diabolical read what he (innocently/independently?) wrote and interwove the catastrophe with the make-believe storyline, to foment confusion – “they hide and manuever in our shadows, like sideways-glimpsed imps”. CIA (Vatican-controlled Catholics In America) told us about how they do exactly this in Redford’s THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR movie — ‘we read everything that is written in the world, scouring for dirty tricks, schemes, plots’ .”
comment to video
‘DARK KNIGHT RISES’ predictively-programs bridge collapses
It doesn’t really name the Key Bridge nor identify it visually, but it does show several bridges demolished, so it’s kind of a vague and indirect programming, and one that is wholly imaginable, predictable anyway.
Baltimore Mayor
Speaking early on about the Key Bridge collapse: “…it looked like something out of ah, ah action movie” right at the beginning of this video.
Leave the World Behind movie
Baltimore Bridge Collapse as Planned Ritual
“A ship crashing would be the precursor, the start of a chain of events that would lead to the downfall of America, the destruction of the USA.” – movie produced by Barack Obama.
This movie has eerily called out the rise in ‘mad deer’ cases.
The 2.1 million Teslas that were recalled. Baltimore major car import port. Farm equipment, also, relating to ongoing attack against food, food production.
The supposed hacking of USA infrastructure.
This movie even eerily called-out the weird SMS text messages (reported to have been received by numerous individuals during AT&T’s recent “blackout”). Baltimore: supposed “crew’s” phone supposedly confiscated. On-site comm intercept van (“FBI van” for RF signal jamming and/or comms intercept (cell phones will target nearest/strongest “cell tower” — was this a mobile “cell tower”? likely) as noted in Jeff Ostroff youtubes).
From comment: “”WHITE LION” tanker was name of first slave ship, reportedly. COMMODUS name on bunker door was Rome ruler.”
Singapore mascot animal is a White Lion.
Tech Savvy Ship Owner also involved in remote-control technologies
Dali ship owner is Singaporean company. Interesting comments about the CEO in https://wp.conspira.org/2024/03/baltimore-key-bridge-1/
Maryland Pilots Association – Speculated Inevitable Takedown
“Bay Pilot: A History of the Association of Maryland Pilots” by Captain Brian H. Hope
BELOW: “Has [the mad scientist] gone ahead and developed a Directed Energy Weapon?” — Oscar Goldman, 17:00 into BIONIC WOMAN, Season 3, Episode 3 “FEMBOTS IN LAS VEGAS”, 1977.
You see, Real Life and Art made so preposterous, so identical, so intertwined that it’s hard to know what’s true, and that is the purpose.