I35W Bridge also DEW’d
There are only two known means to that kind of radical and ‘impossible’ deformity in structural steel: (1) a blast furnace providing forge-hot / poured-molten temperatures; (2) Directed Energy Weapons introduced in 1983 by President Reagan. Clearly no blast furnace was present at this event.
“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies (including massive, five-storys tall fireballs in both original night-time videos) totally inexplicable (and wholly ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The DALI ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, owned, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”
Part #91 adapted from a video comment
Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary
In 2007. Notice the similarly “impossibly” warped structural steel — also insta-rust and splayed rebar. Superheated, molten steel can distort, warp and wilt without stress cracking. Directed Energy Weapons can superheat the steel. Nothing else can fully explain all the evidence.

BELOW: Remarkably warped, wilted steel girders, melted like wet spaghetti. Notice also insta-rust; also, missing rivets. This damage is impossible without involvement of DEW, and it is hallmarked at all other similar DEW sites.
BELOW: It would not become apparent for 17 years, but the DEW attack on I-35W was in-part a smaller-scale test-run for the DEW attack on Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge in 2024.

From video comments: “I lived a few blocks away when this happened. I remember smelling burning rubber as soon as I walked outside. I went down there and got some pictures from the #9 bridge. I also worked for the city of Minneapolis at the time and saw a lot of pictures taken by other city workers from much closer than most people could get. The authorities brought all the recovered vehicles to the impound lot and surrounded them with busses to shield them from the media while they removed the bodies. I toured the impound lot shortly after this happened and saw some of the vehicles up close including a burned out bread delivery truck where the driver was killed. It was a sobering thing to see.” — youtuber: ropethurston6080

BELOW: Interesting that this cantilevered section did not “wilt” but instead toppled over, unbent, unbending, as expected of rigid structural steel girders that shatter instead of ‘melting’.

BELOW: Interesting because of the rebar, not insta-rusted, apparently not hit by DEW. At this incident, I have not yet found any pictures of “toasted” cars (which are seen at so many DEW attack sites, including a reported 1,400 vehicles at WTC 911).

BELOW: Impossibly warped and wilted and insta-rusted, all hallmark damage of DEW attack.
The ‘officials’ and ‘authorities’ are inside, part of the very same Beast that causes this. The public, dumbed-down, distracted and usually destitute, basically has zero to tiny chance of ever comprehending what’s actually going on…and even less chance to effectively ‘do anything about it.’

BELOW: Insta-rust. Vanished rivets (just like at WTC 911 and Baltimore Key Bridge). Notice the hilariously blasted-thru steel girder just right of the gusset plate. Lockheed Martin (and Boeing and others) have publicized precisely this capability in youtube videos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhZ2d_VYH_A and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ijp3-zjTIp0

Bridge ‘broken’ at both sides at same time
“wow…what are the odds that the joints on BOTH SIDES of the bridge would fail at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME, just like in a demolition?? Look how LEVEL the road surface is as it falls…”
The frames show the level dropping of the bridge and road surface. It’s pretty clear that both ends of the span gave way at approximately the same time.

Survivor Suzanne Blundell (“Disaster Victim #17”) corroborates: “Actually, it felt like it [happened] in slow-motion, because [the bridge] broke behind me and it broke in front of me, and so we just went [straight, evenly] right down.” 0:17 into video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Osppc_-2LvY — given the numerous “17” references, which the Zionic mass-media has gone well out of its way to highlight, there is likely some gematria involving 17 in this event. 13 dead. 111 vehicles involved. LOL.

BELOW: Follow-up provides close-ups showing “impossible” multi-dimensional wilting, warping, distorting, all without any stress cracks whatsoever.

BELOW: More impossible warping, wilting, fold-over-without-any-cracks-as-if-hot-taffy —

Pastor Kind: “The bridge was just like someone had taken a child’s ErektorSet toy and just toppled it.”

It’s 2024, 17 years after the take-down. Strange such attention again, gematrially 17, by Zionic mass-media. They really want to hammer home that number 17 in relation to this event.
CONSPIRACY FIRST has a 100+ part series deeply exploring the many anomalies of the Baltimore FSK bridge take-down. Part 41 of that series details the anomalies of I-35 take-down that appears to have involved directed energy weaponry. Particularly onerous are the many “impossibly” warped and wilted structural steel girders, all without a single crack! Blast furnaces can cause that, so can energy weapons introduced by 1983 by President Reagan.
BELOW: a gussett plate showing warping, wilting, distorting requiring either blast-furnace heat or energies added via Directed Energy Weapons. The video’s voice-overlay claims that there is fracturing damage, but none is actually shown in this image (note the “cut 10/19/07” marking explains the slice from the rivet hole). Interesting the impossibly fine, completely crackless, tight-radius full bends in multi-dimensions; also interesting the totally-vanished rivets, similar to all other DEW attack damage. This is evidence of DEW damage more than anything else. (The majority of this video seems to be a pleading to emotional response and also attempt to legitimatize the buzzword “fracture critical” which is therein defined as single-point failure causing entire system failure. In this case, a supposed single-point failure somehow caused both sides of the span to fail and give-way at the exact same instant, as evidenced by the roadway dropping evenly straight down without tilting instead of (as it would have had the single-point failed) teetering or tilting from one-side to the other.)

BELOW: Massive tell-tale whitish / grey ‘smoke’ that is actually molecularly dissociated metal and other materials.

1:49 in “…steel structure that is supposed to stand up through all time was just twisted like a kid had thrown it down and broke it.” — Capt Shanna Hanson Minneapolis Fire Dept — https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKAyj4I-oyc

BELOW: Victim’s left hand, is that a major microwave / DEW burn ?

BELOW: Notice the top of the tractor-trailer, holes burned thru it by DEW.

BELOW: Lockheed Martin ATHENA directed energy weapon burns through steel. Exact same burn pattern. No doubt just “coincidunce”. Source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhZ2d_VYH_A
New Weapons: ATHENA Laser Stops Truck Engine in Seconds from a Mile Away

BELOW: One of Boeing’s versions of Directed Energy Weapons
Boeing’s Compact Laser Weapons System: Sets Up in Minutes, Directed Energy in Seconds

BELOW: Similar “burned-through-steel” evidence in farmfields — notice the immediately-adjacent and unburned corn and other organic flammables!

BELOW: Hallmark of DEW Attack – Punched-thru / vaporized metal; Insta-rust from superheating; Nearby flammables often untouched – appears to depend upon the length of the energy blast: Longer blasts superheat the metals for longer, igniting flammables; shorter blasts tend to punch-thru and vaporize quickly, shorter but more intense period of superheating, seems to char nearby flammables without necessarily igniting them to prolonged burn. Presumably, the shorter intense bursts tend to cause self-repulsion with materials, leading to magnetic moments that can levitate heavy objects such as causing vehicles to ‘flip-in-place’. Evidence shows that there is apparently a selectable mode or character to the energy burst(s).

In fact there are a bunch of LauraFarms videos showing incredible DEW damage. She remains blissfully unaware of the attack upon her, food and crops in general, and humanity. These are covered more here — https://wp.conspira.org/2024/05/laurafarms/
Always the same tell-tale / hallmark damage from DEW Attack: Sudden onslaught high-winds, vicious conflagration, superheated steel, flowed/pooled aluminum, glass melted or powderized, steel-belted tires and other flammables entirely consumed or else utterly untouched — the DEW Attacks rarely leave partial damage; it’s usually either all or nothing.
Insidious military attacks, by her own ‘government’, to ultimately cause (manufactured) “disaster capitalism”, famine and depopulation — this horrible reality may be the Very Last Thing this poor gal realizes.
BELOW: A neighbor’s massive equipment barn, everything DEW-attacked: Sudden onslaught high-winds, vicious conflagration, superheated steel, flowed/pooled aluminum, glass melted or powderized, steel-belted tires and other flammables entirely consumed.
BELOW: Neighbor’s multi-generational barn held millions of dollars across numerous apparati…and untold family effort and knowledge in the many small hand-tools, contraptions and ‘stuff”. Any ‘clean-up’ was the easy part.
BELOW: This was 2021. I’d bet the carcass is still there rotting in the field. Farmer likely down ‘on ever-harder times’. Think of all the other farmers, nearly all technically incapable or else having no ‘successful’ youtube presence, whose equipment has been similarly attacked, destroyed. The insurance companies should be the ones posting and promoting evidence of these attacks.

So, was this I35W DEW attack in 2007 an earlier “test run” for Baltimore Key Bridge, similar to presumed test-run on Washington State’s White River Bridge in 2015 ?