Baltimore Key Bridge #47 – Why to beware the v2.0 of “Never let us tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories” – Will you really fall for that again?

Index & Summary


Retelling and living lies serves no one, not the dead, least of all the many living.  It only serves the few perpetrators and their minions.  Those not seeking and telling truth are minion by definition.

4:55 into

Evidence spoken.  Pre-closed mind; apparently seeks to close yours, too.

“We’re still getting a lot of comments from all of these ‘conspiracy theory people’, and let me just remind you: Don’t fall into all of these traps and don’t even waste your time reading-in to them because it’s just one level of foolishness after another…”  …continues on to dredge or set-up and attack weak strawmen arguments.

Remember George Bush: “Never let us tolerate outrageous conspiracy theories.”

Will you really fall for that again?

The use of DEW, the creation of these events, the massive manipulation if not outright harm done, will all continue and likely increase until knowledge of How, Who and Why is greatly increased amongst the masses of real and intended victims.  Even if it’s just partly true, even somewhat accurate, the diametrically-opposite scope of information and possibilities opens up wildly fresh and mostly unexplored potential future realities.  Imagine if Dali had been the singular antagonist in a wholly honest accident; maybe more of the bridge would have remained standing.

Since hearing this illogical spew, I now watch most of these pseudo-sci videos with sound muted because they do seem to be getting and/or being fed some pretty good data.  Lots of what is being put out by official sources (i.e., Unified Command) is useful and needs only to be re-evaluated and reconsidered in light of (1) the decades-old fact of Directed Energy Weapons; (2) the powerful political and economic reasons to employ Directed Energy Weapons in this disaster-capitalism event (and others!); and (3) the simple fact that all evidence is best if not only explicable by inclusion of Directed Energy Weapons as partly if not wholly causal.

Geuinely attempting to explain (or even show) the “explosions” (which are much more like to be DEW bursts, and the consequent insta-meltings of the steel girders), versus demeaning or even attacking the questioners, would be a Great Start in reasonable discourse versus propaganda and manipulation —


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