Baltimore Key Bridge #52 – The Official Story – curated, factual

Index & Summary

An inglorious end to Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge

The Official Story

In two suspiciously shake-free, perfectly-lit, perfectly-timed, perfectly zoomed and/or perfectly-framed videos — “Zapruder 2.0” style — the Dali cargo ship, fraught with electrical troubles before shoving off, briskly accelerates yet creates no visible wake nor bow-wave displacement and, despite two agonizing total power blackouts causing failing engines, steering and guidance, the Dali expertly avoids all nearby concrete buttresses (and both treacherously narrow, steep shipping channel cliff-edges for the ship’s nearly entire transit until its final ‘beaching’ into the channel’s southern cliff-edge) to not just glancingly bump into a main bridge support but instead score at speed a perfect missile-like bullseye that almost instantly takes down nearly the entire bridge and severely cripples both a major trade port and transportation artery.

The heavy bridge drops promptly into the water making clearly massive splash-downs, multi-storys in height, yet no subsequent waves are seen at all in any video footage that instead shows only near-perfectly calm waters.  Note the initial collapse, which included much more weight, from full height, and a water-displacing roadway underneath, is shorter than the splashdown made by a comparatively few girders during Dali cleanup —

No creaking or snapping steel wrenching apart in agony nor any splash-down-sounds are recorded (despite the fact that sound carries far and clearly over cold water), even by the yammering “B-roll” duo unabashedly trespassing after-dark at nearby Fort Armistead national park; moreover, no rumbling, physical vibrations from the multi-kiloton masses falling from up to ~350 feet (the bridge’s apex) are recorded, either.  That absence represents a considerable amount of kinetic energy gone, closely mimicking the near-total lack of seismic impacts recorded by three universities near WTC in NYC on 911 or in any recordings of that doggedly dubious event.  Numerous viewers comment online about the ‘movie-like’ surreal appearance and quality of both inevitably infamous videos.  Are they reflexively spot-on to something?

No warning horn blasts from the ship are reported by eyewitnesses nor recorded in any videos or emergency-responders’ radio dispatch comments or subsequent reports.  This egregious absence is surely telltale of colossal intrigue or criminal negligence.

No initial Emergency Hailing call (from the ship) is made public.  Massmedia persistently misreports robotically stoic (rehearsed?) ‘first-responder’ radio-dispatches as having had come from the ship, which is blatantly false and arguably intentional deception ongoing.

Forever unsung, no first-responders or officers lauded by Maryland’s governor as life-saving heroes for having halted all bridge traffic within notably supermanly response-times are directly identified.  Otherwise expected (as initially-reported) ‘mass casualties’, whose upset families tend to clamor for truth, justice, respect and insurance compensation, are serendipitously made nonexistent.

Meanwhile, numerous white-hot flashes and massive fiery-orange outbursts, some 5- to 10-storys in height, are easily spotted throughout both versions of the original night-time footage; aftermath structural steel girders are found “impossibly” warped, wilted, distorted, “insta-rusted”, left twisted, draped and drooping in ‘spaghetti-noodle-like’ rigid poses; considerable debris material is inexplicably missing, and (perhaps thereby) the rushed cleanup progresses at miraculous pace of schedule!

This might seem expected as the response was immediately militarized under unprecedented “Unified Command”.  Speculation arises that the governor’s prior military service might have somehow bolstered his selection in an election (advantaged by major celebrity attention and perhaps higher political forces) to thus ensure full-spectrum operational control.

Online at major sites including reddit and youtube, a seeming cyber-army of paid shills, bots, misleaders, and disinfo provocateurs relentlessly spew ad hominem attacks, straw-man stoogings, and other time-sucking logical fallacies.  Outright censorship of anything alternative, concise and factual that outwits, persists or otherwise escapes the tarbabying is of course accomplished via the usual article, comment, video, and account deletions.

In stark contrast to the immediate releases of names, backgrounds and honed summaries of the Valdez captain, the 19 hijackers, the litany of shooters, and anyone else spotlighted in massmedia’s withering sights, total anonymity of the Dali’s captain’s, the habor pilots’, and the crew’s identities is ruthlessly maintained despite the (potentially) trillion-dollar event that is curiously never called or labeled “accidental” by any American massmedia.

Anonymity of workcrew victims’ identities is also tortuously drawn-out for over a month, despite very many thousands of dollars being raised in online campaigns for initially, and until very recently, unknown benefactors.  So-called “duper’s delight” smiles (said to be mostly irrepressibly consequent to a feeling of having seemingly successfully hoaxed or “duped” an audience) counterindicating the professed sorrow seem to appear plainly in several of the already sparse interviews that displace critical reasoning with emotional appeal — one would think the families and the dead would deserve the hard truth first and foremost, but not according to the uniformly sappy massmedia.  Including the stunningly quick (presumably pre-prepared) initiations of the donation campaigns, it’s all suspiciously veiled and contrived feeling; similarly with the involved companies, contractors and other potential payola.  The familiar sense of something, everything, too well-orchestrated is unshakable, marking an overwhelming preponderance of “coincidunce” as strong evidence of no coincidence at all.

No workcrew survivors are interviewed directly.  Plus, American citizenship status of the workcrew is completely ignored by massmedia, which oddly utterly abandons its recent otherwise relentless focus upon “illegals”, immigration, ‘the border’, etc. (not one iota of which has been mentioned since!)

Rumors persist of the Chesapeake-1000 supercrane having been spotted moored immediately south of the hour-distant Chesapeake Bay Bridge not even 24 hours after the calamity.  Pre-readiness suggests foreknowledge.  Or, maybe that ultra-convenient spot is its usual home port.  If so, why then any delay before the crane’s arrival for service?  …given that every extra moment that those vehicles were trapped under debris meant more likely drowning demise…

Skiff / rescue boat, required by OSHA to be present at all over-water bridge work, is not visible in any footage and never mentioned by massmedia.  That person or crew would have been the truly immediate ‘first-moment-responder’; whether that would have made any difference will never be known.

Official timelines straining superman-like speeds and perfect responses patently eschew feasible reality.  Claims of ‘officers stationed at each end of the bridge due to on-bridge work’ are affrontively preposterous given the increasingly apparent sad fact that basic OSHA-requirement of skiff / rescue boat was not even met; arguably far more likely, if any officers had indeed been stationed at the bridge ends, it was per foreknowledge of the event, not lucky coincidence or per otherwise non-existant concern for workers’ safety.

Despite the ever-growing list of questions and issues, all massmedia, reporters, and officials say absolutely zero, nada, nothing of any anomalies but instead parrot emotional reports and appeals or revert to worn-out trigger-word dismissals used previously in the 911 event such as ‘pancaked’ and ‘materials disappeared into the mud’.  Devoid of all critical reporting and initiative, massmedia has never more profoundly proven itself an evermore meek kept pet.

The major shipping-channel chokehold (i.e., the Francis Scott Key Bridge) that had been singularly blocking Baltimore from its long promised (and recently massmedia-hyped) expansion into full, modern mega-port status is obliterated overnight, with all prior laughably insurmountable political and economic obstacles inverted, as full funding, resources and expert personnel prestidigiously materialize within hours, and universally castigated governmental bungling is fantastibulously flipped, unified and catapulted into “strong” and “tough” trumpeted glory.  Here, as anywhere, trite ‘over-the-top’ memes belie fandangled marketeering.

To hear the many suckers and shucksters tell it, excepting the reportedly dead, the calamity is almost all happily ‘win-win’, but for the awful truth: Structural steel girders and fasteners do not without added energy comically distort, warp and wilt (or ever vanish!) in huge, molten fiery outbursts; they just don’t, and never have.  Whilst inescapable evidence reveals that substantial energy was in fact added, officials aloofly ignore it, and because of that everything else about this event is tainted and bound into what is ultimately another big lie.

When you dig-in a bit and really look at it, this whole thing is provably absurd and ridiculous.  Shame on the dupers, but more shame on the so easily duped.

Official story of Baltimore's Francis Scott Key Bridge ignores Directed Energy Weapons, necessarily involved to fully explain all anomalous and otherwise "impossible" evidence.
Official story of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge ignores Directed Energy Weapons, necessarily involved to fully explain all anomalous and otherwise “impossible” evidence.

This series is a work-in-progress.  Treat it as such.  If there is factual error in the content, post a comment or send email to info at conspira org


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