Baltimore Key Bridge #67 – No official clear close-ups of North Pillar before it was cleaned of DEW molten girders; now, pics aplenty

“This was a trillion-dollar costly event, ongoing, and yet all culpable persons remain unnamed, kept totally anonymous, with some reportedly having been slyly ‘escaped’ from the country! There is, in fact, zero publicly-verifiable evidence that any genuine Captain, Pilots or Crew ever existed; was DALI a remote-controlled ghost-ship on kamikazee mission from its outset? No waves nor sounds at all were recorded nor reported by any nearby persons nor cameras. No interviews exist with supposed survivors; “family and friends” etc interviews reveal ‘dupers-delight’ micro-facial-expressions with other hallmarks suggestive of fraud. Rampant is the extremely suspicious damage with blatantly visible, verifiable anomalies totally inexplicable (and ignored) by official theory or story. Grand payola galore is already underway with loads more coming. This is another audacious yet sublime crime, militarized from gov to salvage to rebuild. There was no rescue skiff on scene as required by OSHA. No horn blasts from ship warned of imminent collision. The ship departed despite dire electrical problems, illegal at any time and even more highly unusual in the cold, dark night-time (part #94, first ‘after-sundown departure’ in two years). Criminal was this manufactured event, through and through, and that’s before considering the absurdly high number of other anomalies including the complicit, worthless, ‘kept-pet’ mass-media…”

Part #91 adapted from a video comment

Index . Oddity List . Official Story . Summary

Baltimore Key Bridge North Pillar was ignored, had no official close-ups until it was cleaned of DEW molten girders

Baltimore Key Bridge, North Pillar close-ups

Clearly the military has ability to take wonderfully clear close-ups with the best equipment from the best vantage points.  How strange yet expected and tell-tale that they basically ignored the DEW-molten otherwise anomalous evidence (i.e., several steel girders molten, warped, wilted like hot taffy) draped over the North Pillar.  Now that it has been cleaned and sanitized, close-ups are plentiful!  That striking change is evidence of their complicity in the cover-up…but seeing as how they were instrumental to the entire operation from concept onward, involvement in cover-up goes without saying.

Baltimore Key Bridge North Pillar close-up now that evidence of DEW attack (molten steel girders) has been cleaned
Baltimore Key Bridge North Pillar close-up now that evidence of DEW attack (molten steel girders) has been cleaned.  Note that the cleanup happened out of logical sequence; evidence was sanitized before the temporary shipping channel had been cleared!
North Pillar close-up now that evidence of DEW attack (molten steel girders) has been cleaned
North Pillar close-up now that evidence of DEW attack (molten steel girders) has been cleaned

ChatGPT Query – explain molten girders atop north pillar of baltimore’s francis scott key bridge

The presence of molten girders atop the north pillar of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge would be an unusual and alarming situation, as molten girders indicate extremely high temperatures, far beyond what is typically encountered in everyday scenarios. Here are several potential explanations:

1. Accidental Fire or Explosion: If there was an accidental fire or explosion involving a highly flammable or explosive material, it could generate the necessary heat to melt the girders. This scenario could involve a truck or tanker carrying hazardous materials that caught fire or exploded while on or near the bridge.

2. Deliberate Sabotage or Arson: Acts of sabotage or arson could lead to intense fires capable of melting steel girders. In such a case, incendiary devices or flammable materials would have to be strategically placed to achieve such high temperatures.

3. Industrial Accident: Given the proximity of the Key Bridge to industrial areas and shipping routes, an industrial accident involving a nearby facility could potentially result in high-heat scenarios. For example, a chemical plant or refinery experiencing a catastrophic failure could release intense heat.

4. Structural Failure and Fire: A structural failure, followed by a fire, could also be a cause. If the bridge’s materials were compromised due to age, wear, or previous damage, and a fire started subsequently, the combination could result in molten girders.

Investigative Considerations

To determine the exact cause of molten girders atop the north pillar of the Francis Scott Key Bridge, a thorough investigation would be required, including:

– Fire and Safety Reports: Review any fire or safety reports related to the bridge, including eyewitness accounts and emergency response reports.
– Material Analysis: Analyze samples of the molten girders to identify the specific temperatures reached and potential accelerants or chemical residues.
– Inspection Records: Examine the bridge’s inspection and maintenance records to identify any pre-existing structural issues.
– Surveillance and Witness Accounts: Review surveillance footage and gather witness statements to reconstruct the events leading up to the incident.

Safety and Structural Integrity

The safety and structural integrity of the bridge would need to be assessed immediately following such an event. Molten girders suggest severe damage that could compromise the bridge’s stability. Structural engineers would need to conduct a comprehensive evaluation to determine the extent of the damage and recommend necessary repairs or reinforcements.

Historical Context

If this scenario is not based on a real event but rather a hypothetical or historical inquiry, it’s important to contextualize it within any relevant historical or safety incidents associated with the Francis Scott Key Bridge. Historically, no such incident involving molten girders has been recorded for this bridge.

In conclusion, molten girders atop the north pillar of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge would signify an extraordinary event requiring an in-depth investigation to understand the cause, address safety concerns, and prevent future occurrences.

Explain molten girders atop north pillar of baltimore’s francis scott key bridge, in light of the ability of directed energy weapons to superheat and melt steel

The concept of directed energy weapons (DEWs) being capable of superheating and melting steel has garnered attention, particularly in speculative discussions around high-energy technologies. Here’s an explanation of molten girders atop the north pillar of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge in light of the potential use of directed energy weapons:

Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)

Directed energy weapons use concentrated electromagnetic energy to damage or destroy targets. Types of DEWs include:

– **Laser Weapons**: Use focused light energy to heat a target.

– **Microwave Weapons**: Use high-frequency electromagnetic waves to cause heating.

– **Particle Beam Weapons**: Use charged particles to transfer energy to a target.

Mechanism of DEWs on Steel

When directed at steel girders, DEWs can cause rapid heating by transferring energy to the material’s surface and through its depth, depending on the weapon’s power and exposure time. The heat generated can raise the temperature of steel to its melting point (approximately 1,370 to 1,540 degrees Celsius or 2,500 to 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit).

Hypothetical Scenario: Molten Girders on the Francis Scott Key Bridge

1. **High-Power Laser Weapon**:

– **Targeting**: A high-power laser could be aimed precisely at the girders.

– **Heating**: The laser’s concentrated beam heats the steel rapidly, causing it to reach its melting point.

– **Result**: After sufficient exposure, parts of the girders could melt, resulting in molten steel.

2. **Microwave Weapon**:

– **Targeting**: Microwaves directed at the girders cause the steel to absorb the energy.

– **Heating**: The absorbed microwaves generate internal heat within the steel, potentially causing it to melt.

– **Result**: Continuous exposure could result in molten girders.

3. **Particle Beam Weapon**:

– **Targeting**: Charged particles are directed at the girders.

– **Heating**: The kinetic energy of the particles is transferred to the steel, creating intense heat.

– **Result**: The girders could reach melting temperatures.

Considerations and Challenges

– **Energy Requirements**: DEWs require significant power to generate enough energy to melt steel. The energy source and delivery system need to be highly advanced and well-positioned.

– **Line of Sight**: DEWs, especially lasers, need a clear line of sight to the target. Atmospheric conditions, distance, and obstacles can affect the efficiency.

– **Evidence**: To support the hypothesis of DEWs being used, there would need to be forensic evidence such as unusual burn patterns, residue analysis, or eyewitness accounts of unusual beams or lights.


While DEWs are within the realm of current technological research and development, their deployment in a scenario like the Francis Scott Key Bridge would involve overcoming significant technical and logistical challenges. The presence of molten girders atop the bridge would necessitate an investigation into all possible causes, including:

– **Accidental or deliberate fires**: More conventional explanations should be thoroughly ruled out.

– **Surveillance and Witness Testimony**: Gathering data to identify any unusual activity or phenomena.

– **Material Analysis**: Detailed analysis to distinguish heat sources, whether conventional or advanced technology like DEWs.


The concept of directed energy weapons causing molten girders atop the Francis Scott Key Bridge is a sophisticated hypothesis that requires considerable evidence and thorough investigation. While technologically possible, the practical deployment and detection of such an event would involve multiple layers of confirmation.

Response from ChatGPT to identical Query a few hours later

Notice the slight, “trained”? change in tone

The phenomenon of molten girders atop the north pillar of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge can be examined in the context of the capabilities of directed energy weapons (DEWs) to superheat and melt steel. Directed energy weapons utilize highly focused energy, such as laser beams, microwaves, or particle beams, to deliver destructive effects on targets. These technologies have the potential to generate intense heat, sufficient to cause structural damage to materials like steel.

Here are some key points to consider in this context:

### Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs)
1. **Types of DEWs**: The main types of DEWs include high-energy lasers (HELs), high-power microwaves (HPMs), and particle beam weapons. Each type operates by focusing energy on a specific target to cause physical damage or disrupt electronic systems.

2. **Mechanism of Action**: HELs can produce beams of light at various wavelengths, typically in the infrared or ultraviolet range. These beams can be directed with precision to heat a small area of a target to extreme temperatures, potentially melting steel. HPMs, on the other hand, emit bursts of microwave radiation that can superheat the target’s surface.

### Steel Melting and DEWs
1. **Steel Properties**: Steel melts at temperatures around 1,370 to 1,540 degrees Celsius (2,500 to 2,800 degrees Fahrenheit). To achieve melting, the energy delivered by a DEW must be concentrated and sustained on the target area.

2. **Historical Use**: There are no widely verified instances of DEWs being used in civilian infrastructure to cause such damage, but the technology has been tested and developed for military applications. The idea of DEWs melting steel has been explored in theoretical scenarios and some experimental contexts.

### Molten Girders on the Francis Scott Key Bridge
1. **Possible Explanations**:
– **Accidental Causes**: Conventional explanations for molten girders could include intense fires caused by accidents, such as vehicle crashes involving flammable materials or industrial incidents.
– **Sabotage or Unconventional Attacks**: While highly speculative, the possibility of sabotage involving sophisticated technology like DEWs cannot be entirely ruled out without thorough investigation.

2. **Evidence and Investigation**: To substantiate claims of DEW usage, specific evidence such as unusual burn patterns, traces of high-energy emissions, or other forensic data would be required. Investigations would typically involve structural engineers, materials scientists, and security experts.

### Conclusion
While DEWs theoretically have the capability to melt steel by concentrating intense energy on a target, attributing the molten girders atop the north pillar of Baltimore’s Francis Scott Key Bridge to such weapons would require substantial evidence. Conventional explanations, such as accidental fires, remain more plausible unless compelling forensic proof of DEW involvement is presented. The exploration of this hypothesis remains within the realm of speculative analysis unless supported by concrete data.

See also

They took the bridge down in an elaborate undertaking, have lied about planning and then doing so since before inception of the scheme, and continue to lie during ongoing cover-ups.  That’s the military, a cult of destruction devoid of innate moral compass.  And their psychopathic corporate lapdog massmedia.  And the countless idiots and/or complicit parrots online.  And the shadowy wrongdoers above who co-opt and misguide the whole mess for their gain.  Their oddly prosperous schemes will no doubt continue unabated until a sufficient percentage of the population becomes aware of what’s possible and is in fact well underway…such will likely never happen, and even if it does, who knows.

Baltimore Key Bridge North Pillar DEW
Baltimore Key Bridge North Pillar DEW

1 thought on “Baltimore Key Bridge #67 – No official clear close-ups of North Pillar before it was cleaned of DEW molten girders; now, pics aplenty”

  1. Will the iconic North Pillar become the new center-of-(greatly widened)-shipping-channel marker, with strobe and/or rotating become light atop? …a functional monument to the supposed victims.


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