Fake History
Egyptian Temple Found in East Tennessee Submerged Under Reservoir
Egyptian Temple Found in East Tennessee Submerged Under Reservoir
Lesser of Two Vaticans – Trump Biden, Biden Trump
Lesser of Two Vaticans Trump went to Fordham Univ, deeply Jesuit trained; Catholic Vatican abiding. Biden deeply Jesuit trained; Catholic Vatican abiding. Any “choice” is between two legs of the Same Beast. Newsome (Cali gov). Pelosi. Fauci deeply Jesuit trained. https://thezog.wordpress.com — mass media totally owned and controlled, agenda’ed https://reddit.com/r/JesuitWorldOrder – you won’t believe all … Read more
Silent Kaboom? Zero Cannonballs strewn Amidst Extensive Rubble in Civil War Photographs
Zero Cannonballs strewn Amidst Extensive Rubble