Excellent Video Images of Tesla Complete Immolation from Start to Molten
Excellent Video Images of Tesla Complete Immolation from Start to Molten
Excellent Video Images of Tesla Complete Immolation from Start to Molten
Neil deGrasse Tyson is listed in IMDB as an Actor – Karma demands They must reveal Their Fraud – Tibees reveals his PhD thesis – “It’s pretty clear that Neil deGrasse Tyson’s main contribution to science is not in his research but in his work as a communicator: His only ‘research work’ was his introduction to all the key workings of the subject.”
Structural Steel Does Not Warp, Wilt, Distort or Bend Radically Without Cracking or Shattering — The many many “impossible” radical bends without any cracking insist that additional energy was applied in the form of rapid heating. Directed Energy Weapons.
Swords do not cut Swords – Steel does not cut Steel – Katana vs Long Sword
1994 Denver Airport Mural Oxygen Limiting Masks Worldwide