Baltimore Key Bridge #71 – “The bridge is fracture critical” – Original construction photos prove FSK bridge holds itself up by design, even with only one of the two main pillars – the complete collapse required multiple strike points

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“The bridge is fracture critical” – Original construction photos prove FSK bridge held itself up by design, even with only one of the two main pillars. The complete collapse required multiple strike points caused by Directed Energy Weapons. The engineered take-down was economically and politically expedient to remove largest obstacle to Baltimore’s promised future of Mega-Port glory. Now that’s a “Conspiracy Theory” for you! The thing is, it’s also provable by public evidence alone.

Baltimore Key Bridge #66 – Was the South Pillar really just “stacked blocks”, made to be knocked-over in a mega-event?

Blasting, er Answering Jeff Ostroff, denier and decrier of "conspiracy" involving take-down of Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge

Massive clean-cut concrete of South Pillar having zero rebar indicates initial design-to-fail, no?

Baltimore Key Bridge #55 – Cleanup Observer Quotes

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Cleanup Observer Quotes – Observers and Eyewitnesses of the damage say the most amazing revelations.