What is the effect of a large input of energy into the ionosphere
What is the effect of a large input of energy into the ionosphere
What is the effect of a large input of energy into the ionosphere
NTSB Blaming Circuitbreakers for Phantom Ship DALI – despite two agonizing power blackouts (whilst reportedly moving at highest-allowed harbor speed of ~8 knots) causing failed engines, steering and guidance, DALI sublimely avoids all nearby concrete buttresses and both treacherously narrow, steep shipping-channel cliff-edges for the ship’s nearly entire transit until its final ‘beaching’ into the channel’s southern cliff-edge, to not just glancingly bump into a main bridge support but instead score at speed a perfect missile-like bullseye that almost instantly takes down nearly the entire bridge and severely cripples both a major trade port and transportation artery.
8 or more Cops Home-Invaded Attacked and Shot at Man Without Warrant or Cause
Lesser of Two Vaticans Trump went to Fordham Univ, deeply Jesuit trained; Catholic Vatican abiding. Biden deeply Jesuit trained; Catholic Vatican abiding. Any “choice” is between two legs of the Same Beast. Newsome (Cali gov). Pelosi. Fauci deeply Jesuit trained. https://thezog.wordpress.com — mass media totally owned and controlled, agenda’ed https://reddit.com/r/JesuitWorldOrder – you won’t believe all … Read more
Autopsies of SHARON TATE and the Cielo Drive Victims