Jesuit Intrigue – Vatican’s Troops – a substantial re-examination of history primarily focused on the vanquished Jesuitical / Vatican influence and intrigue

Jesuit Intrigue - Vatican's Troops

Jesuit Intrigue – Vatican’s Troops – a substantial re-examination of history this time primarily focused on the vanquished Jesuitical / Vatican influence and intrigue – “Suddenly, everything makes perfect sense.”

Catholic Molestation Rampant in Maryland

Catholic Molestation Rampant in Maryland — Has the Vatican, in effort to undermine and destroy the largely Protestant America, been poisoning its religious precincts in America with pedophilic and predatory priests? Not so hard to imagine after recalling that all hung co-conspirators in the Lincoln assassination were Catholic, and the escapee John Surratt was given asylum in the Vatican. Consequently, America ended diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1867; President Reagan, in perhaps his most dastardly undertaking, re-opened diplomacy in 1984, allowing Jesuitical and Catholic influx per Vatican to resume. Decline has only hastened since.

Jesuit Motto – Go forth and set the world on fire. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a name revered in many circles, holds a complex legacy as a Catholic priest, Jesuit, scientist, paleontologist, theologian, philosopher, and teacher. However, beneath the accolades lies a darker tale of zealotry and deception that starkly contrasts with the scientific method. This blog post delves into Teilhard de Chardin’s involvement in one of the most infamous scientific hoaxes of the 20th century—the Peking Man—and exposes his fervent efforts to support Darwinian evolution at any cost.

Fake Bones – Cunning, wily Vatican Jesuits behind, beneath forgery, fraud and hoax

FAKE BONES – BONE HOAX – Historical Hoaxes of Bones by the Vatican’s Jesuits: A Legacy of Fabrication

King Charles Bloody King — It’s all just right out in our faces now, for eyes that can see

king charles baphomet lake of fire

King Charles Bloody King – Bloody, fiery portrait includes Baphomet. More people have died or have been killed during the lifetime of King Charles than during the entire known human calamity, er condition, combined.

Baltimore Key Bridge #66 – Was the South Pillar really just “stacked blocks”, made to be knocked-over in a mega-event?

Blasting, er Answering Jeff Ostroff, denier and decrier of "conspiracy" involving take-down of Baltimore Francis Scott Key Bridge

Massive clean-cut concrete of South Pillar having zero rebar indicates initial design-to-fail, no?

Baltimore Key Bridge #17 – Oprah DEW and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix

Baltimore Oprah, DEW, and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix — Gematria is Kabbalistic encoding of words into numbers that describe a matrix of resonance in the morphic field. Think of it as a symphony of consciousness. Those who play a harmonious role in the presently focused item of consciousness perform better (and experience greater results) when they are in-sync, the more the better. It’s a kind of SEO tuning for life and reality. Get in-sync, play by the numbers, know your role and purpose, play your part, etc.

WACO – April 19, 1993, the US Government killed more children than any school shooter


What founded really means — it means what we found after the mudflood – Coming to grips with the ‘thousand years’ that was added to our history…

What founded really means

Tartarystan — Jon Levi reconsiders the seven Central Asian -stans as Tartary obliterated

seven Central Asian -stans as Tartary

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset and The Real Old Worlds

Leapfrogging Case for The Great Reset