tesla death ray
Baltimore Key Bridge #18 – Key Bridge Conspiracy Theories — Controlled “alt” media pre-planting weak “conspiracy theories” as strawmen for owned mass media to decry
Key Bridge Conspiracy Theories — Weird pre-planting of “conspiracy theories” as strawmen by controlled “alt” media, to be easily disproved and dismissed by the in-cahoots mass media
Baltimore Key Bridge #17 – Oprah DEW and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix
Baltimore Oprah, DEW, and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix — Gematria is Kabbalistic encoding of words into numbers that describe a matrix of resonance in the morphic field. Think of it as a symphony of consciousness. Those who play a harmonious role in the presently focused item of consciousness perform better (and experience greater results) when they are in-sync, the more the better. It’s a kind of SEO tuning for life and reality. Get in-sync, play by the numbers, know your role and purpose, play your part, etc.
Baltimore Key Bridge #16 – Steel support cables radically unwound and splayed, just like the 911 elevator motors
Massive Cable Supports, Unraveled and Splayed-Out — Bundles of steel support cables radically unwound, by what force? Unwinding so radically massive steel-cable bundles that were ‘hangers’ for the roadway platform took massive energy. From where did that energy come?
Baltimore Key Bridge #15 – Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup. Plausible reason to rush.
Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup
Baltimore Key Bridge #14 – Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull. Destroyed South Pillar.
Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull, Destroyed South Pillar. How?
Baltimore Key Bridge #11 – Key Bridge stymied shipping size, traffic. Means. Motive. Opportunity. Promises. Payola. Profits.
Key Bridge stymied shipping size, traffic. Pillars constritced channel. Short height limited vessel size.
Baltimore Key Bridge #10 – DEW Attacks Elsewhere. Similarities in resultant evidence. New findings.
DEW Attacks Elsewhere — Similarities in resultant evidence suggest similar causation.
Baltimore Key Bridge #9 – Mysteriously Missing Material. Missing steel girders. Steel noodles, warped, wilted. Amazingly vanished nuts and bolts.
Missing steel girders at Baltimore Key Bridge — Approximately 40% of the steel girders that should be present in the SONAR image are simply not present, as if the steel had been turned into dust by the Directed Energy Weapons.