Baltimore Key Bridge #8 – Reagan. Esper. Keegan. Directed Energy Weapons DEW Star Wars SDI Introduced 1983.

President Reagan introduces in 1983 Directed Energy Weapons DEW STAR WARS SDI exotic microwave weaponry.

Baltimore Key Bridge #7 – North Pillar. Wilted Steel. Smoking Gun. Otherworldly evidence.

North Pillar

Baltimore Key Bridge #6 – FSKB Predictions – 26 Mar 2024

FSKB Predictions

Baltimore Key Bridge #5 – Expert mariner and other analyses – theories sans DEW all fail to logically explain all evidence

Expert mariner and other analyses

Baltimore Key Bridge #3 – Predictive-programming in massmedia

Predictive-programming in mass media

Baltimore Key Bridge #4 – Staged Fakery and Anonymity Galore. Crisis Actors. Eyewitnesses. Captain. Pilots. Crew. Workcrew. Companies.

Baltimore Key Bridge – Staged Fakery and Anonymity Galore. Crisis Actors.
Eyewitnesses. Captain. Pilots. Crew. Workcrew. Companies.

Baltimore Key Bridge #13 – North Pillar cleaned of DEW evidence

North Pillar cleaned of DEW evidence — Under cover of night ~18April the “Wilted, Smoking Gun” melted girders were cleaned from the North Pillar.

Baltimore Key Bridge #2 – Baltimore Key Bridge List of Oddities, Anomalies, Unlikelihoods, Weirdness, Stuff highly “sus”.

Baltimore Key Bridge List of Oddities — Incredible anomalies, unlikelihoods and weirdness galore permeates the mega-event explored in a 60+ part deeper delve unique on Earth.

Baltimore Key Bridge #1 – Huge Fiery Bursts appear throughout night-time video, including some 5- to 10-storys in height

Steel girders of the Baltimore Key Bridge does not become orange-hot molten in huge fiery bursts without substantial energy added. Only Directed Energy Weapons, introduced in 1983 by President Reagan, are known possible causes…either that or a blast furnace.

Origins of CERN and Radium

Origins of CERN and Radium

Baltimore Key Bridge Energy Weapon Conspiracy Explains All Anomalies 90+ Parts

Baltimore Key Bridge Energy Weapon Conspiracy Explains All Anomalies 80+ parts.

The 2030 Timeline, Antichrist due by summer 2026 — Overview of Freemasonry, secret societies w/ Fritz Springmeier, Joshua Abraham – Sage of Quay

2030 Timeline, Antichrist due by summer 2026

“Green” Hoax — “Green” Farce — “Green” Trick — Cheap Products Made Worse On Purpose, To Fail Sooner — The Lightbulb Conspiracy 2024 – Phoebus cartel (still exists) limited lifetime, caused incompatibilities, designed to fail — Planned Obsolescence

The Lightbulb Conspiracy

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot, Digital-IDs, CBDCs, end of autonomy, privacy, life

Pay-To-Survive Autopilot