007 JAMES BOND TRANNY of all the billions of Women
007 JAMES BOND TRANNY of all the billions of Women
007 JAMES BOND TRANNY of all the billions of Women
Underground complexes as Escape from DEW – Imagine Energy Weapons as an eons-old technology, used long ago against humans. Imagine how escaping that assault (if not outright horror) would provide ample drive for the massive effort to dig out caves for survival.
Queers of Maryland Cecil County and well beyond – In 1970’s, Obama’s Science Czar JOHN HOLDREN co-wrote a 1,400+ page textbook (“ECOSCIENCE”) detailing ways to secretly sterilize and depopulate by poisoning the public water supplies. https://zombietime.com/john_holdren shows many quotes.
Unemployed Drugged Oversexed The Sins of the Weimar Republic
US Supreme Court rules domestic violence conviction can block 2nd Amendment right to firearms
Massive Fire at Illinois Farm Wipes Out Millions of Chickens – the Directed Energy Weapons attack on food, food production continues — FAMINIZATION
SEGWAY ENDED – SEGWAY’s coming ‘cheap water desalination device’ countered the depopulation agenda long underway. It had to be stopped…and so it has been.
Family visit to Sears almost 50 years on – What happened since
1994 Denver Airport Mural Oxygen Limiting Masks Worldwide
Pay-To-Survive Autopilot