Baltimore Key Bridge #46 – The anomalous Gusset Plates, insta-rusted and devoid of nuts and bolts as if never present

Anomalous Gusset Plates, insta-rusted and devoid of nuts and bolts as if never present. FSK Bridge was painted regularly; essentially all rust happened in month since the take-down, and probably immediately following the superheating by Directed Energy Weapons.

911411org Melted Vehicles Galore

911411org Melted Vehicles Galore – One picture like this alone is enough to prove 911 is nowhere near what we were told. There are reportedly over 1,400 melted, “toasted” vehicles like this, “impossibly” molten and distorted. What can cause such heat? Fire can not melt steel like this.

Baltimore Key Bridge #48 – Dashcam of “last ride across BFSKB” taken “a few hours before collapse” shows no potholes no workcrew on trussed or main span; google blocking street-view all dates

no potholes no workcrew on trussed or main span

Re-understanding Dr Anthony S Fauci

Re-understanding Dr Anthony S Fauci By 1987, it is claimed by some persons that significant advancements had been made in virology, including the “discovery” and characterization of many viruses, the development of vaccines (such as those for polio and smallpox), and the identification of viruses as causative agents of various diseases. Though no in-situ photographs … Read more