Baltimore Key Bridge
Baltimore Key Bridge DEW Attack on 26 March 2024
Baltimore Key Bridge #39 – Silencing misleaders who shriek, ‘there’s no such thing as directed energy weapons’
no such thing as directed energy weapons
Baltimore Key Bridge #37 – Mud beneath shipping channel
Mud beneath shipping channel under Baltimore’s recently-collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge is said to be 5- to 10-feet deep.
Baltimore Key Bridge #36 – The Hoisted Truck Zero Mud Zero Damage Pristine
The Hoisted Truck Zero Mud Zero Damage Pristine
Baltimore Key Bridge #35 – Is the amazingly quick cleanup due to Missing Material, steel having been turned into dust like at WTC 911 ?
amazingly quick cleanup due to Missing Material
Baltimore Key Bridge #34 – Mega Balt Promises for more and ever larger ships
Mega Balt Promises for more and ever larger ships
Baltimore Key Bridge #30 – FSKB taken-down because it stymied bigger, faster shipping
FSKB taken-down because it stymied bigger, faster shipping.
Baltimore Key Bridge #28 – Cantilevered Collapse explanation proved another falsehood by original construction photos
Cantilevered Collapse explanation proved another falsehood
Baltimore Key Bridge #26 – Also another Attack on Food Production, Shipping and more
Also another Attack on Food Production
Baltimore Key Bridge #24 – Actually impossible Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence to Stop All Traffic. Too bad none bothered to tell the workcrew.
Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence
Baltimore Key Bridge #23 – Was Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge? Identical damage.
Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge
Baltimore Key Bridge #17 – Oprah DEW and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix
Baltimore Oprah, DEW, and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix — Gematria is Kabbalistic encoding of words into numbers that describe a matrix of resonance in the morphic field. Think of it as a symphony of consciousness. Those who play a harmonious role in the presently focused item of consciousness perform better (and experience greater results) when they are in-sync, the more the better. It’s a kind of SEO tuning for life and reality. Get in-sync, play by the numbers, know your role and purpose, play your part, etc.
Baltimore Key Bridge #15 – Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup. Plausible reason to rush.
Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup
Baltimore Key Bridge #14 – Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull. Destroyed South Pillar.
Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull, Destroyed South Pillar. How?
Baltimore Key Bridge #5 – Expert mariner and other analyses – theories sans DEW all fail to logically explain all evidence
Expert mariner and other analyses