911 Alchemy – Absolutely the Best, Broadest, Deepest Documentary on 911 so far
911 Alchemy – The best, most accurate, broadest and deepest documentary on 911
911 Alchemy – The best, most accurate, broadest and deepest documentary on 911
Doi’s dreadful recording to 9-1-1 emergency is still up on RUMBLE, allowing the morbidly curious to actually hear in real-time how a person, apparently, dies _during_ intense exposure to microwave (and/or perhaps particle beam) radiation — most chilling is her lament, “it’s very very very hot…so much smoke” and, “I can’t see air anymore” despite coughing exactly zero times during her 20-minute recording. Microwave exposure causes ‘insta-cataracts’, literally opaque greying of the corneas; that explains her “smoke everywhere”, everything uniformly grey as the microwaves had blinded her vision. Everything, all weirdnesses including the high-heat but no fire, smoke everywhere but no coughing, and the slown asphyxiation and bewilderment, etc, are all perfectly explained most sensibly once the call is re-understood in the context of Doi having been blasted to death by microwave (and possibly particle beam) radiation.
North Pillar Fireballs of Molten Steel light up the original night-time footage.
no such thing as directed energy weapons
amazingly quick cleanup due to Missing Material
Also another Attack on Food Production
Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence
Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge
Impossibly warped and wilted structural steel exhibits hot-taffy-like, crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional distortions hallmark heating via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.
Key Bridge Conspiracy Theories — Weird pre-planting of “conspiracy theories” as strawmen by controlled “alt” media, to be easily disproved and dismissed by the in-cahoots mass media
Baltimore Oprah, DEW, and Weird Gematrial and Numerological aspects evoke Matrix — Gematria is Kabbalistic encoding of words into numbers that describe a matrix of resonance in the morphic field. Think of it as a symphony of consciousness. Those who play a harmonious role in the presently focused item of consciousness perform better (and experience greater results) when they are in-sync, the more the better. It’s a kind of SEO tuning for life and reality. Get in-sync, play by the numbers, know your role and purpose, play your part, etc.
Massive Cable Supports, Unraveled and Splayed-Out — Bundles of steel support cables radically unwound, by what force? Unwinding so radically massive steel-cable bundles that were ‘hangers’ for the roadway platform took massive energy. From where did that energy come?
Quick Crime-Scene Cleanup
Impossibly gouged and pierced Thick Steel Hull, Destroyed South Pillar. How?
Key Bridge stymied shipping size, traffic. Pillars constritced channel. Short height limited vessel size.
DEW Attacks Elsewhere — Similarities in resultant evidence suggest similar causation.
Missing steel girders at Baltimore Key Bridge — Approximately 40% of the steel girders that should be present in the SONAR image are simply not present, as if the steel had been turned into dust by the Directed Energy Weapons.
President Reagan introduces in 1983 Directed Energy Weapons DEW STAR WARS SDI exotic microwave weaponry.