911 Alchemy – Absolutely the Best, Broadest, Deepest Documentary on 911 so far
911 Alchemy – The best, most accurate, broadest and deepest documentary on 911
911 Alchemy – The best, most accurate, broadest and deepest documentary on 911
Doi’s dreadful recording to 9-1-1 emergency is still up on RUMBLE, allowing the morbidly curious to actually hear in real-time how a person, apparently, dies _during_ intense exposure to microwave (and/or perhaps particle beam) radiation — most chilling is her lament, “it’s very very very hot…so much smoke” and, “I can’t see air anymore” despite coughing exactly zero times during her 20-minute recording. Microwave exposure causes ‘insta-cataracts’, literally opaque greying of the corneas; that explains her “smoke everywhere”, everything uniformly grey as the microwaves had blinded her vision. Everything, all weirdnesses including the high-heat but no fire, smoke everywhere but no coughing, and the slown asphyxiation and bewilderment, etc, are all perfectly explained most sensibly once the call is re-understood in the context of Doi having been blasted to death by microwave (and possibly particle beam) radiation.
North Pillar Fireballs of Molten Steel light up the original night-time footage.
no such thing as directed energy weapons
amazingly quick cleanup due to Missing Material
Also another Attack on Food Production
Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence