Houston Grid Down – DEW HAARP NEXRAD Weather Warfare – Melted Steel Girders of Power Tower Pylons

Houston Grid Down – DEW HAARP NEXRAD Weather Warfare – Melted Steel Girders of Power Tower Pylons

The Indefatigable Mae Brussell

Mae Brussell was a prominent conspiracy theorist and radio personality who operated primarily in California during the 1970s and 1980s. She was the host of a weekly radio show called Dialogue: Conspiracy, which was later renamed World Watchers International. Mae Brussell’s radio programming often focused on conspiracy theories surrounding significant historical events, particularly the assassination … Read more

The 2030 Timeline, Antichrist due by summer 2026 — Overview of Freemasonry, secret societies w/ Fritz Springmeier, Joshua Abraham – Sage of Quay

2030 Timeline, Antichrist due by summer 2026

Dr Ning Li, Redstone Arsenal researcher — The disappearance of America’s leading anti-gravity researcher

Dr Ning Li, Redstone Arsenal researcher — The disappearance of America’s leading anti-gravity researcher

NTSB YACA (Yet Another Captured Agency) Role in 2002 DC Sniper Assassination

NTSB YACA (Yet Another Captured Agency) Role in 2002 DC Sniper Assassination THEORY STILL BEING DEVELOPED The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is primarily known for investigating civil aviation accidents and other transportation-related incidents. However, its involvement in the “DC sniper” case, a series of coordinated shootings that took place over three weeks in October … Read more

Catholic Molestation Rampant in Maryland

Catholic Molestation Rampant in Maryland — Has the Vatican, in effort to undermine and destroy the largely Protestant America, been poisoning its religious precincts in America with pedophilic and predatory priests? Not so hard to imagine after recalling that all hung co-conspirators in the Lincoln assassination were Catholic, and the escapee John Surratt was given asylum in the Vatican. Consequently, America ended diplomatic relations with the Vatican in 1867; President Reagan, in perhaps his most dastardly undertaking, re-opened diplomacy in 1984, allowing Jesuitical and Catholic influx per Vatican to resume. Decline has only hastened since.

Baltimore Key Bridge #32 – About those ‘white-hot cutting bursts’ captured by “Toby Gutermuth” in Zapruder 2.0 B-roll footage from much-closer Fort Armistead

About those ‘white-hot cutting bursts’ captured by “Toby Gutermuth” in Zapruder 2.0 B-roll footage from Fort Armistead…

Baltimore Key Bridge #71 – “The bridge is fracture critical” – Original construction photos prove FSK bridge holds itself up by design, even with only one of the two main pillars – the complete collapse required multiple strike points

“The bridge is fracture critical” – Original construction photos prove FSK bridge held itself up by design, even with only one of the two main pillars. The complete collapse required multiple strike points caused by Directed Energy Weapons. The engineered take-down was economically and politically expedient to remove largest obstacle to Baltimore’s promised future of Mega-Port glory. Now that’s a “Conspiracy Theory” for you! The thing is, it’s also provable by public evidence alone.