Baltimore Key Bridge #6 – FSKB Predictions – 26 Mar 2024

FSKB Predictions

Baltimore Key Bridge #13 – North Pillar cleaned of DEW evidence

North Pillar cleaned of DEW evidence — Under cover of night ~18April the “Wilted, Smoking Gun” melted girders were cleaned from the North Pillar.

Baltimore Key Bridge #11 – Key Bridge stymied shipping size, traffic. Means. Motive. Opportunity. Promises. Payola. Profits.

Key Bridge stymied shipping size, traffic. Pillars constritced channel. Short height limited vessel size.

Baltimore Key Bridge #10 – DEW Attacks Elsewhere. Similarities in resultant evidence. New findings.

DEW Attacks Elsewhere — Similarities in resultant evidence suggest similar causation.

Baltimore Key Bridge #9 – Mysteriously Missing Material.  Missing steel girders. Steel noodles, warped, wilted.  Amazingly vanished nuts and bolts.

Missing steel girders at Baltimore Key Bridge — Approximately 40% of the steel girders that should be present in the SONAR image are simply not present, as if the steel had been turned into dust by the Directed Energy Weapons.

Baltimore Key Bridge #27 – DALI anchor dropped to slow ship? Chain NOT yanked back indicates it was dropped after ship stopped

‘Dali anchor dropped to slow ship’ revealed as untrue: Chain would have yanked backwards perhaps even broken under strain; instead, chain drops straight down in all images.

Baltimore Key Bridge #29 – South Pillar chunks. Warped, wilted girders. Crumpled, imploded containers. Dali deck. Insta-rusted Medusa-rebar. DEWs superheat metals.

South Pillar multi-modal damage by Directed Energy Weapons. DEWs superheat metals via induced eddy currents causing blast-furnace-like melting and consequent distortions and faliures.

Baltimore Key Bridge #44 – The meme of “so much debris” versus recovery of bodies

So much debris — Parroted in every press conference, “there’s so much debris” sounds like a predictive-programming meme.

Baltimore Key Bridge #1 – Huge Fiery Bursts appear throughout night-time video, including some 5- to 10-storys in height

Steel girders of the Baltimore Key Bridge does not become orange-hot molten in huge fiery bursts without substantial energy added. Only Directed Energy Weapons, introduced in 1983 by President Reagan, are known possible causes…either that or a blast furnace.

Fuel for the Gun Grabbers – How Quickly It Can Happen

‘Loose Cannon’: Maryland Man Pulls Gun on Couple for Taking Selfies in Convenience Store 840,669 views • Jul 30, 2023 • Law&Crime After Hours Podcast In an incident caught on camera, a Maryland man, identified as Timothy Davis, was seen pulling a gun on a couple who were taking selfies inside a convenience store … Read more

Land-grab, Freedom-grab – DEW-powered WildPhyres as tool to Grab Land, Remove Freedoms

DEW-powered WildPhyres as tool to Grab Land, Remove Freedoms. Land-grab, Freedom-grab – Forensic Arborist Robert Brame describes how State and National Parks are being subtly made inaccessible.

DEW CLUES – Forensic Arborist Robert Brame – Tires in DEW Attacks – “it’s one or the other; there’s never a melted or partially-burned tire; they’re just missing with the steel belts left laying there.”

DEW CLUES – Forensic Arborist Robert Brame – Tires in DEW Attacks

Jesuit Motto – Go forth and set the world on fire. – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, SJ

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a name revered in many circles, holds a complex legacy as a Catholic priest, Jesuit, scientist, paleontologist, theologian, philosopher, and teacher. However, beneath the accolades lies a darker tale of zealotry and deception that starkly contrasts with the scientific method. This blog post delves into Teilhard de Chardin’s involvement in one of the most infamous scientific hoaxes of the 20th century—the Peking Man—and exposes his fervent efforts to support Darwinian evolution at any cost.

Another Account from Lahaina of Personal Exposure to DEW Microwave Weaponry, Aug 2023

Personal exposure to DEW — Exposure to militarized weaponized microwave technology is a harrowing experience, marked by a range of physical and psychological symptoms. “I could feel something very odd: The heat was obvious, the wind was obvious, but there was something about the pressure that made me feel very weird.”

Microwave Directed Energy Weapons – Physics of uneven effects due to field interference patterning

Microwave Directed Energy Weapons – Physics of uneven effects due to field interference patterning. Some materials such as nuts/bolts are disintegrated whilst directly next to other materials totally untouched, unaffected except possibly by radiant or convected heat.

Melissa Doi was literally microwaved-to-death, listen to her 9-1-1 call

Doi’s dreadful recording to 9-1-1 emergency is still up on RUMBLE, allowing the morbidly curious to actually hear in real-time how a person, apparently, dies _during_ intense exposure to microwave (and/or perhaps particle beam) radiation — most chilling is her lament, “it’s very very very hot…so much smoke” and, “I can’t see air anymore” despite coughing exactly zero times during her 20-minute recording.  Microwave exposure causes ‘insta-cataracts’, literally opaque greying of the corneas; that explains her “smoke everywhere”, everything uniformly grey as the microwaves had blinded her vision. Everything, all weirdnesses including the high-heat but no fire, smoke everywhere but no coughing, and the slown asphyxiation and bewilderment, etc, are all perfectly explained most sensibly once the call is re-understood in the context of Doi having been blasted to death by microwave (and possibly particle beam) radiation.

HAWAII being “smart-citied” — Weather war land-grabs galore — HAARP floods and high-winds; DEW attack “wildphyres”; laws changed by globalist traitors

HAWAII being “smart-citied” — Weather war land-grabs galore — HAARP floods and high-winds; DEW attack “wildphyres”; laws changed by globalist traitors.