Cops Can Force You to Unlock Your Phone Without a Warrant – Lehto Law

Cops Can Force You to Unlock Your Phone Without a Warrant, expert analysis by Lehto Law.

Baltimore Key Bridge #39 – Silencing misleaders who shriek, ‘there’s no such thing as directed energy weapons’

no such thing as directed energy weapons

Baltimore Key Bridge #32 – About those ‘white-hot cutting bursts’ captured by “Toby Gutermuth” in Zapruder 2.0 B-roll footage from much-closer Fort Armistead

About those ‘white-hot cutting bursts’ captured by “Toby Gutermuth” in Zapruder 2.0 B-roll footage from Fort Armistead…

Baltimore Key Bridge #29 – South Pillar chunks. Warped, wilted girders. Crumpled, imploded containers. Dali deck. Insta-rusted Medusa-rebar. DEWs superheat metals.

South Pillar multi-modal damage by Directed Energy Weapons. DEWs superheat metals via induced eddy currents causing blast-furnace-like melting and consequent distortions and faliures.

Baltimore Key Bridge #27 – DALI anchor dropped to slow ship? Chain NOT yanked back indicates it was dropped after ship stopped

‘Dali anchor dropped to slow ship’ revealed as untrue: Chain would have yanked backwards perhaps even broken under strain; instead, chain drops straight down in all images.

Baltimore Key Bridge #26 – Also another Attack on Food Production, Shipping and more

Also another Attack on Food Production

Baltimore Key Bridge #26 – Lt Col Tom Bearden on “Scalar” Directed Energy Weapons

Lt Col Tom Bearden

Baltimore Key Bridge #25 – Still missing 23 June 2024

Still missing

Baltimore Key Bridge #24 – Actually impossible Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence to Stop All Traffic. Too bad none bothered to tell the workcrew.

Superman-quick and Preposterously Perfect Police Presence

Baltimore Key Bridge #23 – Was Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge? Identical damage.

Washington State White River Bridge a pre-test of the DEW attack on structural steel truss bridge

Baltimore Key Bridge #22 – Impossibly Warped and Wilted Structural Steel – What causes such crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional warping and distortions?

Impossibly warped and wilted structural steel exhibits hot-taffy-like, crack-free, insta-rusted, multi-dimensional distortions hallmark heating via blast furnace or Directed Energy Weapons.

Baltimore Key Bridge #21 – DALI Previous Crash, Ownership.

DALI previous crash, ownership, details.

Baltimore Key Bridge #19 – Chesapeake 1000 crane sat adjacent to Bay Bridge within 24 hours after Key Bridge event – Pre-readiness indicates Foreknowledge

Chesapeake 1000 crane